1. 2008.12.23 토익 돈만 올리지 말고 서비스에도 좀 신경써라!!
  2. 2008.10.26 10월 토익을 보고..
  3. 2008.10.18 9월 토익점수!~ 2
  4. 2008.09.28 9월 토익 후기
  5. 2008.07.24 토익 LC
  6. 2008.06.29 6월 토익을 보고..
  7. 2008.06.23 기사시험 공부
  8. 2008.05.25 5월 정기토익 정답 (해커스토익)
  9. 2008.05.24 5월 토익
  10. 2008.05.06 토익 ㅋㅋ

방금 전에 내년3월부터 토익 접수 비용을 기존의 37000원에서 39000원으로 인상한다는 기사를 보았다. 공부를 하는 입장에서 접수 비용 인상이 좋지는 않지만 그들이 내세우는 물가와 비용 그런것들을 감안해서 그런다고 이해할려고 한다.

하지만 한가지 말하고 싶은건 가격만 인상하지 말고 인상을 했으면 다른 서비스에도 신경을 좀 써주었으면 좋겠다. 토익을 몇번 보았지만 어느 고사실에서는 감독관이 이상해서 시험을 망치기도 하고 어떤 고사장은 스피커 불량 때문에 L/C를 나중에 하고 R/C를 먼저 푸는 일이 발생하기도 한다.

이런 것도 제대로 신경 안 써주면서 돈만 올려서 받으면 그만이란 말인가?

사용자 삽입 이미지
그리고 내가 가장 마음에 안드는거 한가지가 바로 시험 접수와 접수비용이다. 예를 들어 내가 193회 1월18일에 토익 시험을 접수한다고 해보자. 그 전에 12월 토익셤은 봤다는 가정하에.

사용자 삽입 이미지

그렇다면 인터넷 접수기간은 12월 21일 까지이지만 12월 성적 발표는 1월 10일에 발표난다. 그래서 12월 토익을 잘 보았다고 생각한 사람들은 1월 접수를 안하면 추가접수를 할 수 밖에 없는 시스템으로 만들어져 있다. 12월21일 날 시험보고 접수하면 되지 않냐고 반문할지도 모르겠지만 12월 21일 오전 11시까지가 접수 마감이기 때문에(토익 셤은 9시 20분까지 들어가서 신분확인 하고 12시 10분 정도에 끝남) 접수를 하고 싶어도 못하게 된다.

그러면서 추가비용 3000원을 더 받으며 성적표 발급은 또 어떠한가? 1번은 그냥 뽑게 해주지만 재발급 받을때마다 또 3000원의 추가비용이 든다. 정말 이런거 보면 YBM과 ETS는 돈만 벌려는 작자들인것 같다는 느낌을 지울수가 없다. 취업 때문에 어쩔 수 없이 토익을 봐야하는 우리들이 약자인지 때문인지는 몰라도 채점방식을 공개하지도 않으며 정답도 공개하지 않는다.

ETS와 YBM은 앞으로 제발 가격을 올릴려면 그에 걸맞는 서비스도 함께 제공해 주었으면 좋겠다. 

10월 토익을 보고..

일상 2008. 10. 26. 18:45

시험 보고 나서 15분이나 남길래 정말
쉬웠다고 생각했지만 막상 알고보면
실수도 많고 함정에 쉽게 넘어갔다는

이제 토익 더 안 볼려고 했는데 11월은
토익 점수 나오는거 봐서 볼지 안 볼지

아 슬퍼 ㅠㅠ

'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

오래가는 건전지 듀라셀  (0) 2008.11.10
향방작계 후반기 훈련을 마치고..  (0) 2008.10.27
계속 연패중..  (0) 2008.10.23
환전수수료 이제 걱정 말아요^^  (1) 2008.10.20
9월 토익점수!~  (2) 2008.10.18

9월 토익점수!~

일상 2008. 10. 18. 22:55

드디어 제자리 걸음이던 토익 점수가 올랐다~

아 이제 토익 그만해도 될 것 같다!~

그동안 토익 보면서 돈 너무 아까웠는데!!

토익 이제 굿바이~~ㅋㅋㅋ

'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

계속 연패중..  (0) 2008.10.23
환전수수료 이제 걱정 말아요^^  (1) 2008.10.20
크로스액션 컴플리트 7 사용후기^^  (0) 2008.10.14
소중한 우리집^^  (0) 2008.10.13
일요일 DCAT 시험~  (0) 2008.10.03

9월 토익 후기

일상 2008. 9. 28. 23:10

오늘 토익을 봤다~

lc는 조금 쉬운거 같았고

rc는 어려운것 같았다는 ㅠㅠ

10월로 빨리 토익 끝내고

졸업하고 싶다^^

그날까지 화이팅~~

'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

소중한 우리집^^  (0) 2008.10.13
일요일 DCAT 시험~  (0) 2008.10.03
LGT 오주상사가 있어서 힘이 난다!!  (1) 2008.09.25
꼭 갖고싶다! 미쓰비시 자동차~  (0) 2008.09.22
김희애와 함께 피부미인이 되어보자~  (0) 2008.09.17

토익 LC

일상 2008. 7. 24. 12:38

아 정말 토익 LC 왜 이렇게 안 들리는거야! ㅠㅠ

특히 호주 사람 발음..

웅얼웅얼 ㅠㅠㅠ

아 계속 듣다보면 내 귀도 언젠가는 뚫릴까?

빨리 그 날이 왔으면 좋겠다..

'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

7월 토익시험  (0) 2008.07.26
실시간 다시보기 추천  (0) 2008.07.24
슬픔  (0) 2008.07.23
추억의 공중전화  (1) 2008.07.22
구글 애드센스 OTL  (0) 2008.07.22

6월 토익을 보고..

일상 2008. 6. 29. 14:25

이런 젠장할 5월보다 더 어려워진 느낌이다..

근데 시간은 남았는데 이건 뭐란 말인가..

남들은 어려웠다는 파트7이 난 잘 풀리고..

쉬웠다는 파트 5는 난 어렵던데 ㅠㅠ

오늘 슬픈 하루다..

'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

웹투어 자유여행 함께 떠나요^^  (0) 2008.07.10
기사시험을 보고..  (0) 2008.07.07
계곡으로 놀러가자  (0) 2008.06.27
티스토리 스킨  (0) 2008.06.25
빙그레 바나나우유  (0) 2008.06.24

기사시험 공부

일상 2008. 6. 23. 18:08


기사시험이 어느덧 2주도 안 남은 시간이 되어버렸다..

공부 거의 안했는데 ㅋㅋ

오늘부터라도 열공모드에 돌입해서

반드시 합격하리다!!~

휴 근데 토익도 공부해야 하는데 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

힘든 나날의 연속이군!~

'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

티스토리 스킨  (0) 2008.06.25
빙그레 바나나우유  (0) 2008.06.24
일기  (0) 2008.06.19
나만의 이슈플레이 체험기  (0) 2008.06.19
깨끗한 물을 원한다면 웰스정수기로!~  (0) 2008.06.19

이번 시험 3,4월달에 비해서 어려웠다는 ㅠㅠ

과연 몇 점이나 나올런지 ㅠㅠ

5월 정기토익 LC정답 업데이트★ 



★★2008년 5월 정기토익 LC정답(업데이트 완료)★★




허장군, 형광펜, 아반떼, 해바라기님의 후기를 업데이트 완료하였습니다.


문제 번호는 순서가 다를 수 있으니 문제를 기억하셔서 맞춰보세요!




PART 1 1~10 업데이트 완료!!


PART 2 11~40  업데이트 완료!!


PART 3 41~70  업데이트 완료!!


PART 4 71~100  업데이트 완료!!



☆ ABCD 정답보기


1.b 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.b
6.a 7.d 8.c 9.a 10.a

11.b 12.a 13.a 14.b 15.c
16.a 17.a 18.a 19.b 20.c
21.c 22.a 23.c 24.c 25.c
26.b 27.b 28.c 29.c 30.b
31.c 32.c 33.b 34.b 35.a
36.b 37.c 38.a 39.b 40.b

41.c 42.d 43.d 44.b 45.c
46.a 47.c 48.a 49.c 50.b
51.d 52.a 53.c 54.c 55.d
56.a 57.b 58.a 59.d 60.d
61.b 62.b 63.a 64.a 65.a
66.d 67.b 68.a 69.c 70.c

71.d 72.b 73.a 74.a 75.d
76.a 77.a 78.b 79.d 80.a
81.c 82.c 83.a 84.c 85.d
86.c 87.c 88.d 89.c 90.c
91.b 92.d 93.b 94.a 95.b
96.a 97.a 98.b 99.b 100.d




★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 1★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


1. 한 여자가 신문을 보고 있는 사진
   She's reading a newspaper.

2. 봉고차 한대가 뒷 문을 열고 어떤 건물 앞에 서 있는 사진.
   There are cartons in a vehicle.

3. 남자 한 명이 건설현장에서 일하고 있는 사진
   The man is doing a construction work.

4. 여러명의 사람들이 강가에서 앉아 있는 사진
   They are sitting outdoors.

5. 한 여자가 기차역에서 기차를 기다리고 있는 사진
   She's waiting by the train tracks.

6. 남자가 상자를 들고 있는 사진
   The man has a box in his hands.

7. 두 남자가 창틀을 페인트칠 하는 사진
   They're painting a window frame.

8. 여자가 화단에 물을 주는 사진
   Plants is being sprinkled with a hose.

9. 남자가 키보드를 치는 사진
   The man is operating a computer.

10. 사다리게 배에 걸쳐 있는 사진
    A ladder is leaning against the boat.

출처: 해커스 토익 

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 2★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


11. To whom should I address the letter?
Dr. Ming Chao.

12. When’s the deadline for the project?
Next Friday.

13. How long has Mr. Jones been waiting?
Ten minutes.

14 Should I reserve the executive meeting room or will a smaller one be all right?
Check with Lynette.

15.Would you like to take a short break?
No, I want to finish this report.

16.Where can I find room 27?
It’s on the second floor.

17. Why don’t we ask Charlotte to come too?
She’s out of the office today.

18. When’s your trip to Africa?
In a few weeks.

19. Did you drop off the deposit at the bank?
I’ll do it on my way home.

20. Did you write the report or would you like me to do it?
You can do it.

21. You’re the new office manager aren’t you?
Yes, today is my first day.

22. That was one of the finest meals I’ve ever had.
I thought it was delicious too.

23. Where did you leave the travel information?
In the desk drawer

24. Did you see the briefcases I left in here?
Yes, I put it on the table.

25. Who should I contact for a pass to use the computer lab?
The security manager.  

26. Why don’t you call the caterer we used last year?
That’s a good idea.

27. How do you like the new software?
Its working well so far.

28. Would you rather take your vacation in July or August?
I chose July this year.

29. I need a ride to the train station.
I can take you there.

30. Isn’t there a workshop schedule for Tuesday afternoon?
Yes at 3:30.

31. Could we discuss our presentation over lunch?
Sure, what time?

32. Why was the filing cabinet moved from the corner?
To make room for a bigger one.

33. What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?
I think you should bring your jacket.

34. There’s no coffee shop around here is there?
There used to be one.

35. Do you know why the copier isn’t working?
Is it plugged in?

36. Mrs. Astra organized tonight’s celebration didn’t she?
Yes, I’m looking forward to it.

37. Could you help me move my desk?
Where should we put it?

38. There’s not enough postage on this package.
How much more does it need?

39. What’s the best way to reach you Mr. Franklin?
Try my office number.

40. Didn’t Mrs. Wagner call to say that the shipment might arrive later than expected?
Yes, we got the message.

출처: 해커스 토익  

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 3★★★★★★★★★★★★★★



41. Where are the speakers?
    At a doctor's office.

42. What is the problem?
    Dr. Johnson can't locate a file.

43. Why did Ms. Scott call?
    Provide new contact information.

44. What are the speakers discussing?
    Returning a lost item

45. What does the woman say about the restaurant?
    She had lunch there today.

46. What does the man suggest?
    Visiting a woman's workplace.

47. What does the man say about the apartment location?
    It is near an office

48. What concerns the man?
    Its rent is expensive.

49. When will the man call the woman?
    Next week

50. What is the man looking for?
    A street.

51. Why is the man need to hurry?
    He has an interview.

52. What does the woman suggest?
    Take a taxi.

53. Why is the woman concerned about the meeting?
    She may be late.

54. When is the meeting scheduled to begin?
    At 3 p.m.

55. What is the woman planning to discuss at the meeting?
    book review assignment

56. What are the speakers discussing?
    Last month's sales

57. What is the man concerned about?
    The price of a product

58. What does the man suggest the woman do?
    Hold a team meeting


59. Who most likey is the woman?
    A customer

60. What does the man say about the book?
    It can be ordered.

61. What will probably happen in one week?
    The delivery will arrive.

62. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
A recent movie release

63. What does the man offer to do the woman?
Purchase some tickets

64. What does the woman say she will do tonight?
Prepare for a company event

65. Who most likey are the speakers?
    Sales representatives

66. What are the speakers discussing?
    Meeting colleagues from another office

67. What will happen on Wednesday?
    A social event

68. What are the speakers discussing?
    A constrction delay

69. What type of business does the woman work for?
    A consturction company

70. What does the man request?
    A revised schedule

출처: 해커스 토익

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 4★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


71. Where most likely is the announcement made?
In a store

72. According to the speaker, when is closing time?
In 10 minutes

73. What does the speaker say about the counter 5?
The service is fast.

74. What is Ms.~ talking about?
A book club

75. What does Ms.~ say about herself?
She is a commuity volunteer.

76. What does Ms.~ask the groups to do?
Send her an e-mail.

77. Who is this message probably for?
Dental patients.

78. What is the message mainly about?
Office hours.

79. According to the message, what will happen on April 1?
Some repair work will be done.

80. Where is the conference taking place?
At a hotel.

81. What must the listeners do to receive a gift.
Go to the registration table.

82. According to the talk, how should the listeners learn about schedule change?
By checking notice board

83. Where is the talk taking palce?
At a factory.

84. What is being demonstrated?
How to add flavors.

85. What will the speaker talk about next?
Cooling methods.

86. Which departments does the caller work in?
In accounting.

87. Why has the caller contacted Julie?
To request the original documents.

88. How should Julie contact the caller?
By visiting her office.

89. What kind of business is being advertised?
A hotel chain.

90. According to the talk, what advantages do the business have?
It is in many countries.

91. What is company's staff trained to help with?
Planning conferences.

92. Where most likely does the man work?
At a concert hall

93. Why is the man calling?
To advertise a special offer

94. What does the man ask the woman to do?
Reserve some tickets

95. Why is the woman giving a speech?
She had won an award.

96. What ~  the audience for?
Science writers

97. Accourding to the woman, what is the woman's professional goal?
To make people understanding

98. What problem does the man mention?
A traffic congestion

99. How many bridges does the city have now?

100. What does the city officials encouraging people to do?
Using public transportations

출처: 해커스 토익

5월 정기토익 RC정답 업데이트★


★★2008년 5월 정기 토익 RC정답(업데이트 완료)★★



CLOUD, 봄, 포스트잇님의 후기를 업데이트 완료하였습니다.

문제 번호는 순서가 다를 수 있으니 문제를 기억하셔서 맞춰보세요!


PART 5  101~140 업데이트 완료

PART 6  141~152 업데이트 완료

PART 7  153~200 업데이트 완료


★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 5-완료★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

101. Dental patients are advised to (return) to our office very six month for check-ups.
(returns, returned, returning)

102. SSS group is committed to providing fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables (at) a low cost.
(in, on, after)

103. Most members of the party agreed that A is (ideally) suited for the next CEO.
(ideal, ideality,-)

104. The agenda you received yesterday outlines the several topics (I) plan to discuss.
(me, mine, my)

105. The annual report must identify and explain the area of (growth) on the past year.
(rise, result, statement)

106. Ms. Dalton sill face many new and exciting (challenges) in the new position in personal department.
(challenge, challenging, -)

107. AAA is (responsible) for regulating copy write law.
(responsibly, responsibility, responsibilities)

108. To maintain the quality, AAA must (regularly) review and update the ~
(accidently, brightly, previously)

109. The board of directors (formally) appointed Min Soek Park as the post of the prime minister.
(formal, formality, -)

110. The officers are required to ~ in courtesy to their colleagues (so) that they can maintain the fair and friendly environment.
(then, as, if)

111. Mr. Nam is a ~ and completes (work) assigned to him~
(worker, working, -)

112. Bank recommended its customers to change its password at least three times a year.
(adapt, depend, specialize)

113. ~ for those (who)
(whose, ~)

114. We can customize the executive managing program ~ with no extra (charge).
(value, frequency, product)

115. If you are interested in grant money, locate the brochure How to ~ and review (it) thoroughly.
(them, themselves. Itself)

116. (By) hiring a well-know athlete to endorse the Airlift – Shoes, Viron group is expecting its sales growth of 50%.
(up, about, to)

117. Book a (guided) tour at International Tour~ and get a lodge at Dublin Hotel free in charge.
(shown, reported, demonstrated)

118. The public telephone in Italy and France only (accept) telephone card that is for sale in the post office.
(enter, import, include)

119. AA’s next machine (hardly) require additional equipment.
(hard, hardest, ~)

120. Advocates of working at home are often talk about (how) it suites for those who work part time.
(only, therefore, most)

121. Restaurants of ~ a strict (standard) of excellence.
(category, rate, qualification)

122. ~ hired so that customer requests can be handled more (efficiently).
(nearly, largely, particularly)

123. ~programmed to run from 5 A.M. to 3 P.M. (while) employees are present.
(during, whereas, through)

124. The (site) for the proposed ~at the intersection of ~.
(belief, advancement, travel)

125. (Because of) the recent publicity campaign, ~ in tourism this summer.
(Now that, In fact, In case of)

126. ~ performance was (positively) reviewed by ~.
(positive, positivity, positiveness)

127. Management requires all employees ~ to (enroll) in the ~.
(attend, apply, expect)

128. After five years in (operation), ~Corporation plans to expand by ~.
(operate, operated, operational)

129. This year’s lack (of) interest in the ~ resulted in a sharp ~.
(from, with, for)

130. The scenic ~ as long as weather conditions are (favorable).
(favor, favors, favorably)

131. (Although) top entrepreneurs ~, many also assist ~.
(But, Even so, Except)

132. Requests for ~ accompanied by (relevant) receipts.

133. The quality ~ must approve all (outgoing) products before ~.
(?, absolute, reversed)

134. Research ~ medicine, may (induce) sleep.
(induced, inducing, will induce)

135. Members of ~ their farms’ full (commercial) potential ~.
(commerce, commercially, commercializing)

136. When cataloging ~, please mark the samples (accordingly).
(exceedingly, considerably, namely)

137. ~ all content ~ site is (exclusive) property of ~.
(?, observant, limiting)

138. Shares of stock of Txxx, Inc., fell ~ (once) speculation of a corporate ~.
(due to, so as, within)

139. Almost all the library’s inventory has been (accounted) for, ~.
(recorded, explained, calculated)

140. B Inc. plans to develop a natural (monitoring) system ~.
(was monitored, monitors, to monitor)

출처: 해커스 토익


★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 6-완료★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


141-143 LETTER

141. I am pleased to confirm our offer of (employment) at Monique’s Beauty Salon… after you graduate from Knoll… with certificate in… hair coloring.

142. During your first half year, you (will be)… an assistant…
(will have been/have been/had to be)

143. I was impressed with your positive attitude and the (excellent) reference letter from Knoll…

144-146. MEMO

144. Shop at Frisco and receive 20 percent discount on the price of your purchase. (During) the month of December, there will be 40 percent discount on softwares.

145. …special discounts on softwares (expire) …
(expires/expiring/will be expired)

146. In order to receive a discount, you must (present) your employee identification card


147-149. NOTICE

147. …graduates ready to begin a career… No previous (experience) necessary.

148. (Even though) course work in economics and marketing is not necessary, it can be helpful.

149. Send your resume to… you (will be sent) an application…
(were sent/will have been sent/are being sent)


150. Silverman wrote… He enlisted… Silverman himself (stars) as the main character.
(starring/will star/would star)

151. …weed creatures from outer space that overrun (whatever) that gets in their way…

152. The film is just as (entertaining) now as it was when it was made fifteen years ago.

출처: 해커스 토익

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 7-완료★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


153 When can museum members first view the Isabelle Perez Exhibition?
- On April 30

154 What type of art is featured in the Mason Dean Exhibition?
- Photography

[155-156] advertisement
155. What kind of company most likely placed the advertisement?
(D) A bakery

156. What is the stated advantage of the advertised products?
(B) They are made by hand.

[157-158]       Invitation
157. What is being celebrated?
      -> The retirement of an employee

158. What is indicated about an event?
      -> Live entertainment will be provided.

[159-161] letter

159. What is the main purpose of the letter?
- To clarify an organization’s responsibility

160. What problem did AAA have?
- She lost her glasses.

161. What was sent with the letter?
- A contract

[162 – 164] e-mail
162. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
to invite a colleague to a workshop

163. What will Ms. XXX most likely arrive in Buenos Aires?
October 17

164. What will Mr. YYY probably NOT discuss?
presentation skills

[165 – 167] memo
165. What is the purpose of the memo?
to review required practices with employees

166. According to the memo, what should all employees do?
to greet all hotel guests

167. Who is Tony Lim?
an executive director

[168 – 171] article

168. Who is most likely Max XXX?
a food critic

169. What is indicated about Blackwell’s?
It is moderately priced.

170. What is NOT included with all entrees?

171. Complimentary in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to


172. Why was the letter written?
- To complain about excess charge

173. On what date did take photograph for Mr.x?
- December 13

174. What is indicated about the event?
- It lastes for one hour.

175. Why did Mr. xxx say he was leaving the event?
- He had another event to photograph.

176. What is true about Ms. Sasaki?
- He has hired Ms. Sasaki’s company more than once.

177. What is the main pupose?
- To summarize real estate trends in the city

178. Why are developers interested in downtown Cortland?
- Higher rents can be charged there.

179. In what area have real etate price not increased this year?
- Worthing

180. What is indicated about Oak Hill?
- It is close to the River Street area.

181 What is the purpose of the first e-mail?
- To confirm order of supplies

182 What policy is mentioned in the first e-mail?
- Cancellation policy

183 The word ‘place’ in the second e-mail, in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to
- submit

184 What item does Ms Lim want more of?
- Bags

185 What is implied of Ms Lim?
- She tried to order envelopes

[186-190] memo and e-mail
186. What is the Seaview Times?
(D) A newspaper

187. In the memo, the word “volume” in paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to
(B) amount

188. What is indicated about the Seaview Times?
(A) It has increased its number of subscribers.

189. Who will most likely address Ms. Reynaldo's request?
(D) Hal Carter

190. When will Ms. Reynaldo return from Johannesburg?
(C) On February 27

[191-195] Web contact form & e-mail
Q 191 On the Web contact form, what information is optional?
    -> Telephone number

Q 192 In the e-mail, what is being discussed?
     -> Solutions to a customer’s problem

Q 193 What refrigerator model does Mr. ~ probably have?
      -> WR310

Q 194 When did Mr. ~ send in the Web form?
      -> On June 12

Q 195 In the e-mail, the word ‘run’ in paragraph 4, line 2 is closest in meaning to
    -> operate  

[196-200] e-mail and announcement

196. Why is BBB writing to CCC?
- To encourage her to attend a conference

197. According to the e-mail, what concern did CCC have expressed?
- Her department may need additional personnel.

198. What is true about workshops listed in the announcement?
- They were not part of the original workshops of conference.

199. What day’s workshop would probably be most helpful to CCC?
- June 4

200. For whom most likely is DDD’s presentation intended?
- Inexperienced developers

출처: 해커스 토익  

'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

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5월 토익  (0) 2008.05.24
풀 있으세요?  (0) 2008.05.20
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5월 토익

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빨리 토익 졸업하자~~

토익 ㅋㅋ

일상 2008. 5. 6. 15:05
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